Online Survey Ltd (網上問卷有限公司) 正進行一項客戶滿意度意見調查,以協助制定日後的服務策略,為業界提供更優質的客戶服務。本局誠邀 閣下參與是項意見調查。
閣下在調查過程中所提供的意見將絕對保密,並只會作內部綜合分析參考之用。倘若 閣下就此邀請有任何疑問,歡迎隨時致電本局客戶服務專線:  852-1830-668或與「網上問卷有限公司」翁小姐聯絡 (電話: 852-3611-3191) 。
網上問卷有限公司 謹啟
Dear Customer,
Online Survey Ltd has commissioned Online Survey Ltd to conduct a customer satisfaction survey. Survey results will be used in formulating our future service strategies in order to deliver better customer service to the business community. We sincerely invite you to participate in this survey. 
Please be assured that all information collected from the survey will be treated strictly confidential and will only be used for our internal aggregate analyses. Should you have any queries about this invitation, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service Hotline
at Tel: 852-1830-668 or Miss Yung of Online Survey Ltd at Tel: 852-3611-3191.
Best regards,
Online Survey Ltd

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